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Pressure Equipment Directive

Reference title: PED


Who should attend
Manufacturers of pressure equipment and assemblies,

manufacturers of equipment parts and components,

materials manufacturers, commissioners, experts in

charge of engineering, equipment design, inspection

and procurement, project managers, supervisors, pilot

run personnel, subcontractors, distributors.



Pressure equipment directive 2014/68/EU - Basics
- EC-harmonization, “New legal framework”
- Scope, definitions: pressure equipment and assemblies, subassemblies
- Classification: risk-categories, “Sound engineering practice”
- Conformity assessment: basic approach, procedures, third-party bodies
- EU-declaration of conformity, CE-marking
- Manufacturer according to the PED, obligations and liability


Essential safety requirements
- Hazard and risk analysis, documentation in practice
- Basics of design and construction
- Materials: suitability for use, inspection certificates, special requirements for steel
- Permanent joining: qualification of personnel and procedures
- Final assessment: final inspection, proof test, inspection of safety devices
- Labelling, fabrication plate
- Operating instructions


Guidelines to the PED
– Legal status, current state
– Impact in practice


Technical specifications
- Leading harmonized European Standards
- Adapted national codes: AD 2000, ASME
- Consequences for safe operation, periodic inspection intervals


Borderline and delimitation issues
- Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

- ATEX Directive 2014/68/EU

Operation of pressure equipment – what the manufacturer should know
– National legislation on equipment subjected to authorities’ surveillance
– Periodic inspection intervals.

Workshops (by choice): Classification of equipment and assemblies / Requirements for “sound engineering practice” /  Subcontracting and procurement of components / Determination of hydrostatic test pressure / Prevention of brittle fracture – use of steels at low temperatures / CE-marking of piping systems / Hydraulic and pneumatic systems in machinery / Impact of fatigue design specifications on inspection intervals.


Dr.-Ing. Tiberius Schulz


Appointments by agreement

In-house seminars & training

Duration 1-2 days.

Topics will be adapted in order to meet the

customer’s specific training needs.

Practice-oriented workshops will be included.


We offer seminars and training online.


Query / contact
TSS Consulting Software

Gaualangaweg 13

A-6773 Vandans
Tel.: +43 (0) 5556 212 58

Mobile: +49 (0) 175 765 24 54




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